
How To Make A Cv For First Job

How to Brand a Resume for Your First Job (+ Template)

Written by Coursera • Updated on

Acquire how to build your first resume, even with no prior work experience.

A young woman sits at a table in a cafe writing her resume on a laptop computer with stickers on it. She has a cup of coffee in front of her on the table.

If y'all're looking for your first job, you may be wondering what to put on your resume. While you may not have any formal job feel yet, yous almost certainly accept gained skills and other experiences through your education and extracurricular activities.

In this article, we'll accept a closer look at how to write a resume for your first task when you lot have no experience. Learn how to place your most marketable skills and experiences, and how to format your resume to show them off.

What is a resume?

A resume is a formal document that presents your background, accomplishments, and skills to potential employers. When yous submit a job awarding, your resume is typically the showtime affair a recruiter or hiring director looks at to evaluate whether yous're a proficient fit for the function.

Did y'all know?

Exterior of the US and in academic settings, a resume is oft referred to every bit a Curriculum Vitae, or CV for short. The Latin term ways "course of life."


How to write a resume with no work experience

Many job listings ask for relevant experience. Simply only because you haven't had a task before, doesn't mean you lot don't have experience. Your feel happens to come from exterior the workplace. For a first job, your resume should concentrate on your bookish achievements, as well as whatever informal work, volunteer experience, or extracurricular activities.

Hither are some steps you can have to create a resume for your first chore.

i. Pick the right layout.

The bulk of many resumes focuses on chore experience, listed from latest to oldest. If you lot don't have job experience to listing, pick a resume format that includes an education section closer to the elevation.

2. Match your experiences to the chore list.

Writing a solid resume begins with studying the chore description for the role you're applying for. You want your resume to match up with what the company is looking for, so beginning by making a list of the central terms from the job description.

Go through the task clarification, and write down or highlight all the abilities, skills, and values listed within. Pay close attention to those listed as required.

Now, call up about experiences in your own life that friction match upwardly with the items on the list. If the job list asks for someone with strong organizational skills, think about times when you've had to be particularly organized. Maybe you helped plan a schoolhouse event or led a group project.

It's okay if yous don't have something for every item. Keep this list nearby as y'all begin to fill in your resume template.

iii. Focus on your education.

You lot may find it helpful to start with the educational activity department of your resume. Listing your schoolhouse and dates attended, as well every bit:

  • Relevant coursework: Accept y'all taken classes that chronicle to the task you're applying for (or from your job description research)? Exist sure to list them.

  • GPA: A strong GPA (typically a 3.5 or higher) tin can evidence employers that you have the skills and piece of work ethic to succeed in the job.

  • Academic achievements: Likewise include anything else that demonstrates your power to succeed academically—making the dean'south list or the National Accolade Club for instance.

  • Extracurricular activities: Focus on the activities that align with the job listing. Involvement in educatee quango, for example, could demonstrate leadership skills, collaboration, and trouble solving. Playing a team sport shows that y'all tin can collaborate and manage your time.

  • Certifications or online courses: If you've taken whatever training, bootcamps, courses, or certification programs outside of school, include them here if relevant.

If yous're however enrolled in a program, list it as "in progress" with your anticipated graduation appointment.

4. Highlight volunteer piece of work and extracurricular activities.

Next, add in an experience section. While yous may not have formal work experience, you should include whatever volunteer work, community activities, internships, or informal work experience (like tutoring, blogging, or helping with a family business) that's relevant to the chore.

Equally you fill in this section, refer back to the list you created in Step 2. Yous don't take to include everything; instead, focus on your experiences that align with terms that appear higher up in the task clarification, or those listed as required rather than preferred.

5. List your technical and man skills.

Include a list of skills as bullet points on your resume that highlights both your human skills and any technical skills y'all may have.

Technical vs. workplace skills

Human being skills, sometimes called soft skills or workplace skills, are those that apply to merely about any job. Some examples include advice, decision making, leadership, time direction, and problem solving. Technical or hard skills tend to exist more job specific. These might include programming languages, software proficiency, or knowledge of a foreign language.


The skills you lot list in your resume should reflect what's listed in the chore description. For technical skills, too include your level of proficiency. If you're withal developing a skill, for example, you could write, "Familiar with Excel spreadsheets."

It'south okay if you lot don't accept many technical skills to list. A report from job site LinkedIn found that lxxx percent of companies value candidates with better workplace or human skills, which can be harder to teach [1]. The aforementioned study found that the five nearly in-demand human skills are:

  • Creativity

  • Persuasion

  • Collaboration

  • Adjustability

  • Time management

Build job-ready skills

Looking to add technical skills to your resume? Prepare for an entry-level job, develop in-demand skills, and get easily-on experience with a Professional person Certificate in social media marketing, IT support, data assay, project management, UX pattern, or cybersecurity on Coursera.


half-dozen. Write your resume objective.

This curt argument goes at the top of your resume to summarize your skills. It's usually a good thought to write this last once you have a meliorate thought of what'south in your resume. Keep information technology to one or two sentences that land who you are, what you want, and what you can offer the employer.

Tips for preparing your first resume

Now that you've filled in almost of your resume, here are some tips to help get in stand out.

  • Keep information technology to a single folio. This is particularly true if you're not including work experience. Include what'south relevant to the job, and leave out the residual.

  • Use action verbs when describing your skills and experiences. Try to start sentences with verbs (e.g. designed, guided, led, improved, established, managed).

  • Include the aforementioned words and terms from the task listing. Many companies utilize what'southward chosen an applicant tracking organisation (ATS) to sort applications by keywords. When you lot use the same words and phrases as the job description, you might increase your chances of getting your resume noticed.

  • Customize your resume for each job. Each job posting volition have different keywords and requirements. You don't accept to start over each time, but make certain to accommodate your resume for each job you apply to.

  • Proofread. Make sure your resume is free of any spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors. If possible, ask a friend or family unit member to proofread for you equally well.

  • Include your contact information, including your total name, phone number, and e-mail accost.

Educatee resume example

Hither's a resume sample for a high school graduate applying for a task as an IT technician.

Sample student resume for a high school student applying for a first job.
Sample resume - Patricia Williamson

Offset chore resume template

When y'all're fix to build your ain unique strengths, experiences, and skills into your own resume, experience gratuitous to use this kickoff job resume template as a starting bespeak.

Get task ready with Coursera

Whether you're a high school student, college graduate, or working professional looking to switch careers, start building the in-demand skills you'll need for a digital job with a Professional Certificate on Coursera. Explore options for data science, cybersecurity, It support, and project management.

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Article sources

1. LinkedIn. "LinkedIn 2019 Talent Trends: Soft Skills, Transparency and Trust," Accessed August 10, 2021.

Written by Coursera • Updated on

This content has been made available for informational purposes only. Learners are advised to deport additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued see their personal, professional person, and fiscal goals.


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